Information for Inpatients 

Advice, suggestions and complaints

The NHS Plan

The West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust fully supports all the core principles contained in the NHS Plan. These are set out in the booklet 'Your Guide to the NHS'.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

This is a new service which is being developed within the NHS Plan. PALS will provide patients and their families or carers with someone to turn to if they need information about the Trust and other NHS services or if they have any problems with these services.

The PALS office is situated in the Main Reception area of the West Suffolk Hospital and is open from 9am - 8pm and the staff can also be contacted on 01284 712555 (24 answerphone service). The PALS staff will try to resolve your problems on the spot and if this is not possible, will support you in the process for making a formal complaint.

Please see the Patient Advice and Liaison section of this website for more information.


If you have any worries or wish to complain, please discuss your problem with the Nurse in Charge of your ward first. If you are still not happy, or do not wish to involve the ward staff, you can make a formal complaint in writing to the Chief Executive, West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds IP33 2QZ. Your complaint will be fully investigated and a reply will be sent to you. We will comply with NHS standards and ensure that your complaint is dealt with speedily. A separate leaflet explaining the complaints process will be available in leaflet racks on wards and departments.



When you come into hospital
How to get there
Visiting arrangements
Visiting hours
Finding your ward
Your stay in hospital
Hospital services
Your suggestions and complaints
Going home

Other Information

Patients' Library
Nutrition and Dietetic Service
The Chaplaincy
Radio West Suffolk
Friends of the Hospital
Voluntary Services


West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: April 2003