Job Opportunities

Specialist Registrar (LAT or LAS) Applications Forms

Persons applying these vacancies in the Trust should download and complete the following Application for Employment form (this is a Microsoft Word document).

Note: the application form above should only be used for SPR (LAT/LAS) vacancies.


General enquiries
NHS Professionals

Application Forms

Consultant, Staff Grades and SPR Application Forms
SPR (LAT/LAS) Application Forms
SHO application forms
HO application forms
General/ Non Medical Application Forms


Nursing: general enquiries
Welcome to nursing & midwifery
EAU - Medical Emergency Assessment Unit
Occupational therapy
Recent Trust Publications

Cadet schemes

Healthcare Scientist Cadet Scheme


We are an equal opportunities employer and a no smoking trust.

The Trust welcomes job share applications.

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: February 2005