West Suffolk Hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Service Logo
Patient Advice and Liaison Service 

Comments, Compliments & Concerns

The West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to giving you the best possible care. We welcome your views on the care we provide as your comments help us improve our services.

Your Guide to the NHS says you have the right “to have any complaint about the NHS Services – whoever provides them – investigated and receive a full and prompt reply from the Chief Executive”.

If things go wrong, wherever possible, the Trust will take action to put them right.

Your comments on the services that have met your satisfaction can also help us to maintain high standards.

Comments or expressions of thanks are always passed on to the staff concerned.

What to do if you are not happy with the service you receive…

Share the problem - our staff are there to help you. If you are not happy about any aspect of the service we provide, do please tell a member of staff. It is easier to put things right if the problem is brought to our attention straight away. If you do not know who to speak to, ask for the person in charge. Staff will listen to what you have to say and try to sort out your problem. If they are unable to help, or you are not satisfied with their response, you can ask to speak to a more senior person or talk to the PALS office.

Please be assured that this will not affect your care in any way – if you feel uncomfortable discussing any concerns with staff who are involved in your care please call the PALS office who will be happy to speak with you.

If your concerns are unable to be resolved, you can make a formal complaint.

Who should you complain to?




Treatment as an inpatient or outpatient in West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Consumer Relations Manager, West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Treatment at a General Practice

The Practice Manager at the Surgery, if you are still dissatisfied contact the local Primary Care Group

Private (not NHS) services or treatment

The Manager of the organisation offering the services



What is PALS?
Patient & Public Involvement
Patient Information Leaflets
Your Guide to the NHS
How can I find more information?
Comments, Complaints & Concerns
Formal Complaints
ICAS - Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
Support Groups
West Suffolk Cancer Support Groups
Why information is collected about you
Accessing your health records
Confidential Information
Information about your discharge
NHS Funded Continuing Health Care
PPI Strategy & Framework
How the service is being used
Case Studies

Contact us by or telephone: 01284 712555

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: September 2001