About the Trust West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust
About the Trust 



At West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust we are committed to delivering equality of opportunity for all staff and patients.  Our Race Equality Scheme (RES) and Action Plan is at the heart of the drive to achieve this. 

Our intention is for this document to be an informative guide to promote a better understanding of race equality amongst all our staff, the public and patients.

This is a large, complex undertaking.  It is also an area where the health service has not traditionally performed well.  Openly acknowledging both these facts is an important first step.

Currently there are many pressures on the NHS, particularly in meeting standards within tight financial limits.  However it is vital that all those who require healthcare to meet their specific needs, are not isolated or vulnerable to poor service delivery

The Race Equality Scheme and further legislation can give us the impetus to act, but the drive has to come from all our stakeholders in carrying out our vision in an inclusive and transparent manner.  There are of course many challenges facing the NHS both nationally and locally.  This, we believe, is one that we can take forward with all our stakeholders, in making the NHS responsive in providing not only diversity of choice, but equality of access for all.

In order to achieve this within West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust, it is important for us to continually examine and reflect upon the impact of our attitudes and behaviour on colleagues, service users and carers.  Equally, we need to institutionalise respect and consideration for others in exactly the same we have institutionalised sound financial practices. We cannot claim to deliver a quality service unless it is an equality service.

This Racial Equality Scheme and action plan is an important element of our commitment to diversity.  It is a living document and, as such, the views of interested groups and individuals will influence its development over time.

Chris Bown
Chief Executive 

View the scheme and action plan in full: in Word form and PDF form



Introducing the Trust
The West Suffolk Hospital
The Trust Board
Our Goals
Trust Values
Trust Management Team
Members of the Trust Board
Trust Board Meetings 2005
Business Plan 2005/06
Race Equality Action Plan

Other Information

About Bury St Edmunds


West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust

Last Modified: June 2005