Young fathers targeted during National Breastfeeding Awareness Week
10 May 2000
Campaign messages for National Breastfeeding Awareness Week, which starts on Monday 15 May, are targeting young fathers and encouraging them to be more supportive of breastfeeding.
There is strong evidence to suggest that mothers can be influenced in their infant feeding choice by the negative perceptions of breastfeeding held by male partners.
Midwives at the West Suffolk Hospital fully support the aims of the week and take every opportunity promote the benefits of breast feeding at every opportunity particularly during antenatal clinics and breastfeeding workshops.
"We feel women should be more aware of the advantages of breastfeeding - breast is best. Babies get all the ingredients they need from their mother and breast milk is available anytime and anywhere, at the right temperature and consistency," said Midwifery Sister Gerda Tooley.
"Fathers' do have an influence over the choice of infant feeding. I try to stress to them that it is not more convenient to bottle feed. If the baby wakes up in the night you have to go downstairs prepare and warm up the milk if you bottle feed, but if mum breastfeeds the milk is already the right temperature and consistency.”
Breast milk also helps children to build up immunities to illness. During the week them will be displays in the main foyer of the West Suffolk Hospital, the antenatal clinic, the local branch of Boots and Mothercare in Bury St Edmunds and posters in GP practices.