A big thank you to Sally Thurling
25 February 2004
Nurse Sally Thurling is retiring after over 31 years at the West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds. The past thirteen years of which have been spent working with children, on the paediatric ward and in outpatients.
Sally lives in Hockwold with her husband Doug, and despite the distance she travels to work, has never been beaten by the weather! She intends to spend her newly acquired free time breeding cairn terriers and the couple are looking for a puppy to start them off.
Her interest in dogs and cats has given her many stories to entertain her young patients and colleagues with over the years.
“We all, especially the children and their families with whom she had such good rapport, will miss her cheerful character,” said ward sister Alix Harben. “Although sally is retiring from full time work we are hoping to see her again as a member of our bank staff.”
She has spent many years working in the children’s outpatients department as well as on the ward and we know that her patients and their parents will join us in wishing her a very happy retirement.
Sally has requested not to have an official retirement party but will be attending Dr Anand’s leaving ‘do’ in the Rainbow Out Patients Department at the West Suffolk Hospital at 12.30 on Friday 27th February, when she will be given a present. Reporters and photographers are welcome.