Healthcare science careers on offer at West Suffolk Hospital Open Evening
27 January 2004
An open evening for young people interested in careers in healthcare science will take place at the New Education Centre at the West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds on Wednesday, 18th February. From 6pm until 9pm, anyone who is considering a career in healthcare science is invited to come along and find out more. Professionals from the West Suffolk Hospital will be on hand to talk to people about what careers are available, and provide advice about training and the different fields within the sector.
Healthcare science includes areas such as cytology, haematology and biochemistry, in which experts assist clinicians in making diagnoses. Analysing blood or tissue samples, or identifying bacteria, are examples of roles undertaken by healthcare scientists.
If you are between 16 and 25 years old and enjoy practical science, the new Healthcare Science Development Scheme could be for you. You will learn how science helps doctors to treat patients and see what happens behind the scenes at a busy hospital. You will gain a BTEC National in Science from Cambridge Regional College and get real work experience at the West Suffolk Hospital.
“Healthcare science offers an interesting, valuable and secure career for those with an interest in how the human body works,” said Christine Markham, Training Officer in Microbiology. “Scientists play a vital role in the NHS, and doctors and nurses could not do their jobs without them. This is a great opportunity to train within an important profession, and get paid while you learn.”
The Open Evening will include a short presentation about the course and work experience elements, including an opportunity for questions and a tour of the Pathology Department.
“The NHS is the largest and one of the most important organisations in the country, and few professions can offer the level of variety and job satisfaction that healthcare provides,” said Jan Bloomfield, Director of Personnel. “We want to highlight the benefits of working for the NHS and encourage local people to think about a career in healthcare science at the West Suffolk Hospital.
“The best care for patients is provided by a happy and fulfilled workforce. To achieve this we are doing all we can to create an environment in which every member of our staff feels that their voice is listened to and their contribution appreciated.”