
Veronica Worrall                     Chairman


Roy Bannon                            Medical Director

Jan Bloomfield                        Director of Personnel & Communication

Nichole Day                             Director of Nursing & Community Relations

Colin Hilder                              Non Executive Director

Judith Lancaster                     Non Executive Director

Steve Moore                            Director of Facilities

John Parkes                            Chief Executive

Linda Potter                             Director of Finance

Peter Richards                        Non Executive Director

Jessica Watts                         Director of Strategy


In attendance:

Michelle Judd              Clinical Director, Women & Children’s Services

Anne Nicolson             Clinical Director, Medical Services

Dermot O’Riordan                  Clinical Director, Surgical Services

Stella Jackaman                     Chairman, CHC

Jennifer Ellin                            PA to Chairman & Director of Strategy




2003/137 APOLOGIES


Apologies were received from Jane Harper-Smith, Pam Chrispin, John Cullum, Mary Jones, and Colin Muge, Chairman, Suffolk West PCT.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the November Board meeting.




The minutes were accepted after one amendment to item 126.1 on Car Parking. 


The number of car parking spaces would have increased to 1400 and not 1350 as recorded.




139.1 Change Agent Team and Secta Reports


The Chief Executive reported to the Board on a very helpful meeting that had taken place with Suffolk West PCT and Social Services where it was agreed to take forward the proposals recorded in the Change Agent Team (CAT) and Secta reports.  He said that he would ask colleagues from both PCT and Social Services to attend a future Board meeting to outline the proposals for better care in the community.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JP


The Chairman agreed that this was a key issue and that we must continue to work with our partners for the benefit of the community.


The Chief Executive suggested that this item be brought back to either the December or January Board for discussion.


139.2 Patient Choice (Item 128 refers)


At the last meeting of the Board it was decided to delay discussion on Patient Choice.  The Patient Choice video will be shown to the Board today.


139.3 Communications


A formal policy of communication between the Radiologists and Consultants has been drawn up.


139.4 Consultant Contract (Item 134.1 refers)


Jan Bloomfield, Director of Personnel and Communications gave an update on the Consultant Contract.  She stated that a meeting had taken place with BMA colleagues to give up to date and accurate information.


A briefing paper was tabled which outlines the new reward scheme, Clinical Excellence Awards, which replaces the current discretionary points and distinction awards.


Jan Bloomfield had met with Roy Bannon, Medical Director to discuss job planning.  The Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire Workforce Development Confederation are holding three training days, one of which will be held at West Suffolk Hospital and all Consultants and Clinical Directors have been encouraged to attend.


It is anticipated that all Consultants will have a draft contract by the first week of February 2004.  Jan Bloomfield commented that she is positive that this can be achieved.  Roy Bannon said that it would be better to ‘go slow’ and get this right than rush to meet the deadline.  It had been agreed that every Thursday there would be a meeting with the Trust Negotiating Committee (TNC) and there will be constant dialogue with the BMA on this very important issue.


139.5 Out-Patient Follow-up Ratios


At the last meeting of the Board Jessica Watts, Director of Strategy was asked to look at Outpatient follow-up ratios and the factors behind this, comparing ratios against national benchmarking figures.  It was agreed that this information will be included as part of the performance report in future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               JW



At this moment in time the Trust is experiencing a tremendous amount of pressure with very few, if any, spare bed capacity.  The Chairman took the opportunity to ask patients to bear with the Trust during this busy time and to confirm that all is being done to alleviate the situation. She apologised to those patients whose operations have been cancelled commenting that the Trust is trying to keep cancellations down to the bare minimum.


The Chairman thanked staff for their continued tireless efforts, dedication and support to provide quality of care to patients under extremely difficult circumstances.


She also expressed her thanks to the Executive and Clinical Team who have pulled together and lead the organisation after three members of the ‘top team’ were unfortunately absent over this extraordinarily busy period. “I cannot thank you enough for what, I know has been an extremely difficult time for you all” stated the Chairman.


The Chairman also commented on the role of the Non Executive Directors, which is being looked at both nationally and locally.




141.1 Royal College of Surgeons


The Chief Executive shared with the Board a letter he had received from the Royal College of Surgeons regarding the clinical examinations for MRCS Surgery in General Final Assessment held at the Trust.  They particularly wished to thank Mr Ravisekar for organising and the Trust for hosting the event.


Thanks were also extended to Mr Ravisekar from the Board as feedback from the Royal Colleges gives the Trust a tremendous amount of recognition for the work carried out here at West Suffolk Hospitals.


141.2 Hydrotherapy Services


At a previous meeting of the Board John Parkes reported on the Hydrotherapy Services and the Trust’s commitment to have an independent surveyor assess the cost of the work needed for re-establishing the Hydrotherapy pool.  An independent surveyor had now undertaken this work and the capital cost of repairs would be between £130,000 and £160,000.  John Parkes said a meeting is scheduled to take place on 5 December with the Chairman and members of the Hydro Care Group, David Ruffley, MP and himself to discuss the next steps. Mr Parkes has asked for representation from the PCT to join the meeting in December to help form a view on what services should be provided.


141.3 Management Structure


Following the appointment of Roy Bannon to Medical Director approval has been given for Dr Liz Wright, Consultant Microbiologist to become Clinical Director for Support Services.  Dr Laura Watson, Consultant Radiologist will take over as Lead Clinician for Radiology with effect from 1 December and once the appointment of a new Histopathologist has been made, Mr Barrie Cottrell will take on the role of Clinical Director for Pathology Services.


141.4 Intermediate Care Strategy


The PCT is to launch the Intermediate Care Strategy for Suffolk West on 9 December.  As the Trust has not formally received this strategy John Parkes asked that the process be considered by our Trust Management Team.  He also asked that the strategy be discussed at a subsequent Board meeting.


141.5 Waiting List Validation


John Parkes informed the Board that he had stopped the introduction of an automated telephone system, whereby patients are contacted and asked questions by pre-recorded messages to find out if the patient still needs to come in for treatment.  The reason for stopping this initiative is that wider consultation needs to take place with GPs, Consultants, Local Medical Council and the PCT.  All their support is needed before a pilot scheme is introduced.


Colin Hilder also commented that patients must have the ability to comment on this issue.


141.6 Joint Modernisation Steering Group (JMSG)


The JMSG is a group chaired by the Chairman of the West Suffolk Hospitals and members consist of Chief Executive’s, Chairs and Medical Directors from Suffolk West PCT, Local Health Partnership Trust and Social Services.  John Parkes wished to share with the Board the outcomes of the meeting held 30 October, in which business planning and financial arrangements were agreed as follows.


·         Next year there would be no developments unless corresponding savings and disinvestments were brought to the table.


·         The JMSG are to look at potential forms of disinvestment and report back to their respective Boards.


The Local Delivery Plan (LDP) bidding process around producing lots of bids was deemed a futile exercise.  The PCT had also identified a number of requests that had been sent directly to them for funding and that had not gone through the correct channels.  All bids are to be processed through the Chief Executive and respective management teams before submission to the PCT.


·         The JMSG have asked Omega (the group of Directors of Finance) to produce an appropriate methodology to determine and then propose the level of disinvestment and efficiency that is needed, and to have a productive methodology and service development for the second and third year of the LDP.


·         Service Modernisation Teams have been asked to prioritise and limit the number of projects being taken forward and to focus on key performance areas such as demand management and discharge planning.


141.7 Outcome of the Inquest into the death of Mr Thomas Pilfold


The inquest into the death of Mr Thomas Pilfold took place on Wednesday 26 November 2003 and Nichole Day, Director of Nursing and Community Relations attended on behalf of West Suffolk Hospitals Trust.  She informed the Board that it was concluded that the death was due to natural causes but the reason for Mr Pilfold being on the roof of the hospital would remain a mystery.  The Trust had taken all precautions necessary and the Health and Safety Executive had written that the Trust with specific enforcement was not to be prosecuted. 


Nichole Day wished to place on record her personal thanks to the staff for the very robust and coherent evidence they gave at the inquest.  The many people involved in this tragic case, and also to the Coroner and Solicitor, which, undoubtedly was a difficult and stressful experience for all concerned.


The Chairman also gave her thanks to the staff in what was a difficult day for all involved and said that our thoughts and sympathy were also with the family of Mr Pilford.


The Chief Executive commented that if anything had come out of this unfortunate event it was that the Trust has been actively reviewing and updating its policies and procedures to make them even more robust. The Trust had now developed a comprehensive Missing Persons procedure.


Judith Lancaster requested clarification regarding decision-making on proposed disinvestments.


John Parkes replied that the Service Modernisation Team recommendations are considered by the JMSG with the final arbitrary being the respective Boards.


Veronica Worrall said there needs to be further discussion on disinvestment.  She asked that minutes of the JMSG come to the Board as a routine agenda item.


Colin Hilder stated that this was a healthy approach and that the Trust only has a certain amount of resources and must prioritise before they are presented to the Board with the capacity of our teams.


2003/142 PATIENTS


142.1 Foundation Trusts


On Tuesday 25 November 2003 the Trust received the official go ahead from the Health Secretary that it could now proceed with its formal application for Foundation Trust status. 


John Parkes gave an update to the Board.  The first wave of applicants, which includes Addenbrookes, Papworth and Hinchingbrooke will proceed from April 2004, out of the 32 organisations it was anticipated that only 25 would be accepted for full application.  In Wave 1a there would be 32 applicants, including West Suffolk Hospital plus the 7 organisations that have been deferred from the first wave that will go forward in October 2004.


There will be a policy update by the House of Commons and House of Lords who will finalise the wording of the bill.


The decision was taken that there will be no April 2005 entry with the next opportunity to apply for Foundation Trust status being in April 2006.  West Suffolk Hospitals will submit an application for October 2004.


A briefing paper for the Board will be produced when decisions on relevant issues are dealt with.  Therefore the key strategic issues for the Trust will be to sustain its three star rating, implementation of Choice, Emergency Care Modernisation, the Treatment Centre to be on stream with additional capacity, Sudbury – the Trust needs to be clearer with the PCT on models of care, recruit and retain staff and financial balance must be achieved.


The Trust has to develop a vision of how this will improve partnership working and the services that the Trust are to provide.


John Parkes continued saying that the preparatory phase is underway and there will be a 10-week consultation period starting February 2004, after which preparation of final submission for Secretary of State approval takes place.  One of the key factors for the Trust is the retention of three star status and it is anticipated that the results on this will be available in June next year when, hopefully, the Trust moves forward to that of Shadow Foundation Trust.


The HR Strategy outline has to be discussed with staff and show its commitment to implementing Agenda for Change, as well as to Education and Development. The Trust has to consult on the vision and governance proposals and John Parkes emphasised ‘not the policy’, as the policy is set by Parliament.  All of the above must be reflected in the final submission for Foundation Trust status.


John Parkes, as Chief Executive will lead the project and Jessica Watts has been appointed as Project Director.


Stella Jackaman, Chairman of the Community Health Council wondered whether voluntary organisations would be involved.


John Parkes replied that the Trust must consult as widely as possible including voluntary organisations in the process.


Professor Peter Richards fully endorsed the project and strongly approved moving forward to Foundation Trust status stating that it would benefit the whole health community.


142.2 Patient Choice


Unfortunately due to technicalities the video on Patient Choice was not played.  John Parkes gave a brief summary of three patients’ stories, which all emphasised the point that all patients must be consulted and have a choice on where, when and how they receive treatment.


142.3 Urology \Endoscopy Combined Strategic Outline Case (SOC)


The Urology\Endoscopy combined SOC was brought to the Board for approval prior to its submission to the Strategic Health Authority’s Capital Investment Group in January. 


Jacqui Grimwood presented the case for the proposed upgrading and refurbishment of the existing Endoscopy Unit, which incorporates the Urology Department and will provide modern high quality flexible accommodation.  She explained the reasons for putting forward the business case ie fragmentation of the urology service, disjointed patients journey from a physical environment and patients’ dignity and privacy.


The recovery area has not been upgraded since 1990 and the existing Unit was not designed for scoping practices.  It also has poor storage with poor treatment room facilities. Jacqui Grimwood also highlighted the inadequate decontamination arrangements with out of date plant and equipment, as well as the lack of education facilities.


The proposed scheme would build on the work previously undertaken.  The re-development would combine Urology and Endoscopy into one project ie the refurbishment of existing Endoscopy and F14.  She emphasised that the scheme would significantly improve the services for both staff and patients.  The Director of Finance said that the estimated capital cost of the scheme would be approximately £4.3m.


It was anticipated that if the scheme were to receive final approval from the Strategic Health Authority’s Capital Investment Group in January final occupation would take place in March 2006.


The Chairman congratulated Jacqui Grimwood on a well-presented business case, one that would make a tremendous improvement for both staff and patients.  She asked, if not already when would patients be involved in the process.


Jacqui Grimwood replied by saying that this would take place as soon as the StHA has approved the SOC, consultation would start immediately.


Judith Lancaster, Non Executive Director, said that this was a very persuasive case and wondered how this project was chosen over other projects.  She also had concerns regarding revenue costs.


Steve Moore, Director of Facilities informed the Board that priority was given after carefully considering three projects but both the Obstetric Theatre CDS and the Emergency Assessment Unit needed further work to be undertaken to ensure a robust SOC could be presented to the StHA. 


John Parkes felt that it was important to prioritise urology, and focus on changing thinking and working patterns, particularly with new national standards that are to be adhered to.  This facility would also provide diagnostic treatment and Dermot O’Riordan, Clinical Director strongly supported the outline case stating that his was a service that the Trust must provide to its patients locally. It would also provide the capacity and give   patients the dignity that they deserve.


Trish Harris, Clinical Manager also commented that with new ways of work this facility would also give the Trust the opportunity to train staff in Endoscopy and have nurse-led clinics.


Veronica Worrall commented that is an area of growth it is important to look at future work patterns, governance and risk management issues – if we don’t this would be putting other people at risk.


Colin Hilder, Non Executive Director said that this was a very exciting project and enquired about telecommunications, IT and equipment.  He asked for reassurance of a written undertaking that the Trust be given for supporting revenue costs.


Linda Potter, Director of Finance commented that the PCT must be in agreement to support the project. John Parkes will discuss the issue with the PCT.


Veronica Worrall commented on the affordability and said that the Trust must make certain that the PCT Board understood the case was dependent on financial flows and Judith Lancaster sought clear indication the PCT signed up to this.


The Chairman asked for Board approval to the SOC.  Approval was given.




143.1 Performance Report


Jessica Watts, Director of Strategy gave a summary of performance to the Board to date.


There are severe pressures on A&E with higher than planned levels of emergency activity and delayed transfers of care.  This is restricting the Trust’s ability to meet A&E targets in November, undertake routine operations, reduce waiting lists and waiting times as quickly as planned.


There has also been a higher than planned increase in outpatient activity thus the Trust is not able to meet waiting time targets.  All of the above has to be managed within the current financial position and the Trust is in constant discussion with the StHA.  The position is also compounded by the additional pressure of the winter vomiting virus.


Jessica Watts also reported that during November the number of delayed transfers of care had fallen from 62 to 48 with a downward trend and it was anticipated that is figure would fall to 40 during December.


An action plan has been agreed and Social Care have secured 24 transitional care places, all of which have been occupied, which will help reduce the delayed transfers of care pressure.


The PCT are to launch the Intermediate Care Strategy, which is intended to improve the position for admission prevention and discharge.


Jessica Watts went on to report on


·         Elective levels which have increased on last year

·         13 cancelled operations

·         35 cancelled clinics – Roy Bannon, Medical Director commented that the booking of patient’s 6 months in advance had significantly improved and seen a fall of 6% from April 2002.  He also stated that there was now a formal process in place by management for leave being taken under 6 weeks notice.


The Chairman wondered if the Trust should be looking at study leave\short timescales. 


Dermot O’Riordan commented on joint appointments and wondered if Addenbrookes experienced the same problems.


Nichole Day was concerned on the impact activity had on staff.  The workforce in general was under tremendous pressures and asked that an impact statement be incorporated into these reports.


Colin Hilder commented on DTOCs and stated that even though there seemed to be a downward trend the Trust still has a huge problem with DTOCs.


Jessica Watts replied by saying that there was some improvement from October to November and it was anticipated this figure would fall to 20 by the end of December.


Judith Lancaster had concerns about discharge planning procedures and wondered if the Trust needed to start procedures earlier and whether there was a senior person responsible for discharge.  She also commented that the movement of patients from ward to ward might result in patients staying in hospital longer than anticipated.


The Board was informed that Annie Campbell was the Senior Manager in charge of the discharge procedure and there was a rolling programme in place with a taskforce for DTOCs.


Nichole Day commented that the Trust does not move patients around any more than necessary.  There is a Patient Team Discharge Committee that focuses on discharge planning and interfacing with services for older people.  There is also partnership working to improve efficiency, practice change, and nurses being involved in consultant ward rounds.


John Parkes commented that discharge planning is an issue that the TMT needs to review and come back to the Board at a future date.  The TMT had recently met to discuss ways of reducing pressure and a number of measures including the setting up of a discharge lounge and a Bed Clearance Team to ensure patients are moved to the discharge lounge ensuring an empty bed for the next patient.


Jessica Watts summaries the performance report as follows:


·         Cancer target performance is good

·         A&E target achievement is hanging in the balance

·         The Trust should hit targets for inpatient and outpatient waiting times

·         DTOCs continue to fall


Jessica Watts asked that the Board acknowledge the actions taken to address current pressures.


143.2 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)


The report summaries the areas of progress made PIP.  Jessica Watts reported on the financial position, inpatient waiting targets and OPD waiting times.


She particularly highlighted the Elective Services Modernisation Team, which has four projects, demand management, orthopaedic collaborative, booked admissions and a 23-hour stay unit.  Out of the four projects three looked at improved use of current capacity and the first should reduce OPD demands on service.


Roy Bannon commented on GP referral figures that are sent to the StHA.  He stated that the figures do not accurately reflect the work the Trust is doing and wondered if they could be reported in another way.


Jessica Watts replied that the StHA are reluctant to change the way of reporting an accurate position is being agreed with the PCT.


Stella Jackaman, Chairman of the Community Health Council had to leave the Trust Board at this point.  Before leaving she announced to the Board that today was, sadly the disbandenment of the Community Health Council.  She wished to record her thanks to Board members, both past and present for working in partnership with the CHC for the benefit of the local community.


The Chairman thanked Stella Jackaman for her considerable contribution and time given so freely to benefit the patients and the health community of west Suffolk.


143.3 Finance


Linda Potter, Director of Finance presented the current financial position at month 7 (end October 2003).  She reported the Trust’s shortfall of income against expenditure with an increased spending of £1.25m from £1m in month 6.


The projected position is that the Trust will overspend by £3.5m.  This figure includes last year’s brokerage of £936K, which has to be repaid to the StHA.


Higher than expected levels in emergency and elective activity have contributed to significant overspending across all directorates who are struggling to meet CRES.


Linda Potter reviewed the current position, the difficulties with meeting CRES, the Treatment Centre that has now started to treat its first patients, which will generate additional income, and the significant overspends in surgical services, clinical support and facilities.  She highlighted the fact that the Facilities Directorate overspend was compounded by the financial impact of developments such as the Integrated Care Unit, Emergency Admissions Unit and the Temporary Theatre.


The meeting with Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire StHA in November confirmed action to be taken that should significantly close the gap.  Further work with the PCT and continuing support of the StHA is ongoing to meet all performance targets.


John Parkes, commented that, and he hoped, that Linda Potter agreed that the discussions at the JMSG ought to help with next year’s finances.  He also informed the Board that the budget managers would be undertaking an exercise looking at financial targets for 2004 and beyond. 


The Trust has agreed the outturn position and will be closely monitoring this.


2003/144 STAFF       


144.1 Agenda for Change


Jan Bloomfield, Director of Personnel and Communications reported that planning for Agenda for Change implementations was underway.  She highlighted a number of issues for discussion and/or agreement by the Board.


·         Resource requirements

·         Terms of Reference for Joint Project Steering Group (JPSG)

·         Timetable for implementation

·         Joint working with other Trusts and PCTs


The Board was informed of the timetable for implementation, staff-side involvement and the national rollout being October 2004.


Jan Bloomfield asked that the Board note the significant resource requirements for 2004/05, approve the project structure and the JPSG terms of reference.  She also asked for the nomination of a NED to join the JPSG.


The Chairman raised a query given to her by John Cullum, Non Executive Director who was not in attendance, which was concerning membership.  He felt that staff-side bodies involvement whilst important might be better served on project groups than at steering group level.


Jan Bloomfield felt that there needed to be staff-side involvement on the Steering Group.  She will take this issue to the next Trust Council meeting.


The Chairman had concerns regarding a NEDs position on the steering group.


Jan Bloomfield suggested that a NED be coopted on to the Steering Group as required dependent on the agenda.


The Board agreed this action and the Terms of Reference of the JPSG were also approved.


144.2 Childcare Strategy


The Childcare Strategy was produced to support the HR Strategy, which has been funded by the Workforce Development Confederation.


Marie Betts-Davies presented the Childcare Strategy for west Suffolk.


She gave information on the background to the Childcare Co-ordinator Service, the implementation of the strategy, the national vision and the aims and objectives.


She also explained key targets that are to be achieved over the next 3 years, ie


·         Increased retention rates

·         Identify if the childcare strategy has facilitated return to practice

·         Identify if the childcare strategy has facilitated working within the NHS  

·         Increased number of on-site nursery places or nursery places close to work or home

·         Increased access to after school care, holiday clubs etc

·         Identify financial savings in terms of increased recruitment and retention and lower absence\sickness rates.


There were issues on further development of on-site facilities.  The Work Life Balance Booklet has just been received at the Trust, which gives information on services, including childcare, flexible working for all staff.  The booklet was funded by advertising revenue.


Marie commented that the strategy is a 3-year strategy, which will be implemented through West Suffolk Hospital Personnel and Communications Directorate Objectives and Business Plan as part of WSH Business Plan and she asked that the Board formally approve the Strategy. 


The Chairman and Board approved the adoption of the strategy and thanked Marie Betts-Davies for her informative presentation.


2003/145 SOCIETY


146.1 Research and Development Update


Frances Elender, Research and Development Manager gave a brief update on research activity within the Trust.


Since its establishment in September 2001, 95 research programmes have been registered with the Trusts R&D Department.


Frances Elender explained the reasons for research, the role of the Research Governance Committee, non-Commercial externally funded research, commercial research, own account and research financial management, plus new initiatives.


There were lots of questions, Steve Moore was particularly interested in commercial money from the private sector and wondered about the ‘modest income’ 20% levy.


The Chairman stated that all the research that is going on at the Trust is very important and wondered how locally and nationally interested parties were informed of the outcomes of these projects.


Frances Elender commented that a lot of the projects are long-term research programmes.  Interface with other Trusts Arena NSC StHA shows information at County level.


Frances Elender was thanked for updating the Board.









146.1 Report of the Clinical Governance Committee


The notes of the Clinical Governance Committee were brought to the Board to note the information contained therein.


146.2 Report of the Audit Committee


A summary of the main point of the Audit Committee held 31 October 2003 were given to the Board for information.


Colin Hilder highlighted some of the main issues


1.      Counter fraud – work is progressing to promote an anti fraud culture

2.      Interim and external audit report

3.      Waivers on Tenders – The Audit Committee is seeking justification and is requesting supporting information on the tenders waived.




None recorded.




Joan Hunter, Librarian asked “if the pilot sites, Papworth and James Paget, would have a significant effect on the Agenda for Change process in West Suffolk?”  She was concerned that Papworth was very specialised and that James Paget although similar in size to West Suffolk has dissimilarities.


Jan Bloomfield replied that Papworth had been chosen because it was a special hospital in order to reflect some of the issues in special hospitals throughout England.  Also as James Paget Hospital was similar, individual issues of grading would be addressed within the Trust.




Please note that because of the Christmas holidays the Trust Board has been brought forward to Friday 19 December.