Information for Patients 

Patients' Library

The Patients Library provides a trolley service to wards, a social library for staff some lunchtimes, and the library is now accessible for mobile patients at various times during the week.

The library has a wide selection of books including large print and we also have talking books available for people with visual impairment or for those patients who simply prefer to listen rather than reading. Personal stereos are available for loan to patients along with the audiocassettes.

We also have access to specific books from the Suffolk County Library for longer stay patients. Our patients are very appreciative of the quality of service provided by our library volunteers, but of course it’s not just about giving out books. Our volunteers also enjoy the personal contact with our patients and being able to spend time with them.

Library services are offered as follows:

Monday morning

G Ward Round
12-2 Mobile patients/staff loans

Tuesday morning

F Ward Round
1-3 Mobile patients/staff loans

Thursday morning

F Ward Round
1-2 Mobile patients/staff loans

Friday morning

G Ward Round

 All books should be handed in to reception, the WRVS shop or to the ward clerk before you leave the hospital Hospital library books can be clearly identified by the blue insert on the fly-sheet.



In house catering
Nutrition and dietetic service
The Chaplaincy
Patient information
Patient's library
Radio West Suffolk
Friends of the Hospital
Voluntary service
Red Cross Therapeutic Service

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: May 2002