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Questions and Answers

 What exactly does Agenda for Change mean for staff?

The great majority of NHS staff, ranging from nurses to ambulance staff, therapists and porters stand to benefit under Agenda for Change. The only staff not covered are doctors and senior managers, for whom there are separate arrangements.

Does it mean pay increases?

Yes - the reform package includes a 10 per cent basic pay increase over three years for all staff. Additional gains will depend on the outcome of job evaluation.

How does this work?

Eight national pay bands are being introduced and job evaluations will determine how each staff member is allocated within those bands. Some new or unusual posts will need to be evaluated individually at local level. Employment terms and conditions, overtime and annual leave will also be standardised.

Is it possible that some staff will end up worse off, either financially or in terms of working conditions?

There need be no 'losers' under Agenda for Change. Mechanisms are built into the agreement to prevent staff from losing out financially, both in the short and longer term. An example of this will be pay protection until 2011 for staff involved in national roll-out.

What about those who don't receive a pay rise?

In some cases where levels of pay would otherwise be lower, staff will receive a recruitment and retention premium to reflect labour market conditions. In the minority of cases where pay protection is needed, current levels of pay will be protected until October 2009 for staff in the pilot sites and April 2011 for staff in national roll-out.

What is job evaluation?

Job evaluation is a means of fairly rewarding people by measuring their job related skills, knowledge, effort and responsibilities. A single NHS job evaluation scheme has been developed and will be used to underpin the new pay system to help deliver equal pay for work of equal value. Staff and managers involved in the initial pilot sites have already been trained in job evaluation. An electronic training package is also currently being developed.

What about staff who are unhappy with the outcome of an appeal? Will further redress be available to them?

There is no right of appeal beyond the review by a second job evaluation panel. The postholder may pursue a grievance on the grounds that the process has been misapplied, but not against the outcome of the grading decision itself.

Will a full list of nationally agreed job profiles be available to all NHS organisations?

Yes. Profiles go through a rigorous process of scrutiny by staff and management representatives. Approximately 170 nationally agreed profiles have been developed already and published on the Department of Health's website. This process will continue in the lead up to national roll-out.

Does it matter whether staff are on national or local contracts?

Staff on national contracts and other conditions of service that incorporate national agreements on pay and conditions of service, will transfer to the new system automatically. Staff on local contracts will be offered the new terms but may keep their existing contract if they wish.

Apart from basic pay, what other issues are being addressed by Agenda for Change?

Other key issues include pay in high cost areas; recruitment and retention premiums; working hours, overtime and annual leave; payments for out-of-hours and on-call duties; and implementation.

Will NHS organisations receive full funding to implement Agenda for Change?

Yes - this is an ongoing process. PCTs' allocations for the next three years have already taken into account the projected funding increases. The Department of Health is also ensuring that Local Delivery Plans properly reflect the level of investment needed.

Has Agenda for Change been tried out anywhere yet?

Yes - 12 'Early Implementer' (EI) sites have been piloting it since June. They are Aintree Hospitals NHS Trust; Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust; Central Cheshire PCT; City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Trust; East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust; Herefordshire NHS PCT; James Paget Healthcare NHS Trust; North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust; Papworth Hospital NHS Trust, South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust and West Kent NHS and Social Care Trust.

What feedback has this produced?

Feedback is still being evaluated and will be used to help shape the national roll-out of Agenda for Change. The first information will provide the basis for a timetable of action. This will be available on a new pay section of the NHS Modernisation Agency website at www.modern.nhs.uk/agendaforchange

What level of support has Agenda for Change had from staff?

In June 2003 the joint trade unions, the four UK health departments and employer representatives agreed that the early implementation phase could commence. Some unions are holding second ballots of their members ahead of national roll-out.

Agenda for Change is a major part of the NHS reform programme - what is being done to raise its profile nationally?

The Department of Health and NHS Modernisation Agency, along with a trade union representative and an Early Implementer site representative, recently held a briefing with the specialist health press to update them on the latest developments. The department's Agenda for Change web pages are also updated regularly.

How can staff find out about how their particular post is being/will be assessed?

An updated list of NHS job profiles covered by Agenda for Change can be seen at www.doh.gov.uk/agendaforchange/jobprofiles.htm The latest set of profiles cover such diverse posts such as cytology screener, assistant chaplain, fire safety manager and specialist physiotherapist.

Where can staff find out more information?

They should visit the DOH website, section on Agenda for Change, and the website www.modern.nhs.uk/agendaforchange


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West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: February 2004 

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