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West Suffolk Hospital appoints Childcare co-ordinator

6th May 2003

The West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust has appointed a childcare co-ordinator to help staff to balance the pressures of work and life outside of work.

Maria Betts-Davies, who previously worked as a teacher at County Upper School in Bury St Edmunds, took up the new role on April 1st. A shared post between the West Suffolk Hospital and Suffolk West Primary Care Trust, Maria’s remit is to make a positive impact on the recruitment and retention of health care professionals in West Suffolk, and help staff to balance work and family commitments.

“My first priority is to assess what exactly are the childcare needs of health workers in our area,” said Maria.  “I don’t want to make any assumptions, so I am conducting a survey in May which will seek to identify gaps in the provision of childcare.”

Maria’s role is part of an integrated childcare co-ordinator network which will soon cover the whole of Suffolk. The NHS is a major employer of people with young children, so childcare is an especially vital issue for parents who work in the health service.

“I am looking at the possibility of setting up childminder networks, where an NHS Trust has a contract with a group of childminders who are able to provide emergency cover as well as regular childcare. Having at least one registered childminder in all of the major centres in our area, such as Mildenhall, Newmarket and Woolpit, would be ideal.

“Any new childcare provision needs to be of good quality, and all childminders must be registered with OFSTED.

“Another part of my role is to encourage qualified healthcare staff who have taken a career break to return to work.  I will be seeking the views of people who have, for instance, left nursing to start a family. I want them to tell me what childcare provision they need to enable them to return to work.”

Maria will be present at a NHS stall at the Suffolk Show on Thursday 29th May, where she hopes to contact healthcare professionals who are considering a return to work.

"We believe that the best care for patients is provided by a happy and fulfilled workforce," said Jan Bloomfield, Director of Personnel and Communications at the Trust.  “Creating the opportunity for flexible working patterns and introducing family friendly policies is so important in recruiting and retaining valuable staff.

“I am sure that Maria’s appointment will help to make life easier for parents working in healthcare, and this in turn will help us to improve the care we as a Trust provide to our patients.”

To speak to Maria Betts-Davies about the opportunities available for healthcare professionals with children in west Suffolk, call her on 07786 394 185 or e-mail [email protected].



West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust