You and Your Baby 

Preparation for parenthood sessions

Parent education sessions are held in several localities where you and your partner can meet your local midwives for informal discussion and relaxation techniques. Information will be given on preparation for labour, pain relief and delivery as well as infant care and feeding. There is normally a reunion after the baby is born. Your community midwife or hospital team midwife will give you details of the parent education sessions and how to book a place.

Half-day breastfeeding workshops at West Suffolk Hospital

These are usually held on a Monday afternoon on a monthly basis for women belonging to RED Team and on alternate months for women in GREEN and BLUE teams. To book, contact your hospital based team between 6-9pm Monday Friday at any time from 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Aquanatal sessions

These are held at Bury Leisure Centre, Friday 2.30-4pm. During school holidays they start at 1.30pm. (Please make your own arrangements. A midwife may be available for discussion on pregnancy, labour and baby care.)

Visiting the Maternity Unit

Parents-to-be are offered a tour of the Unit. This includes an opportunity to ask any questions. If your partner cannot attend you may bring a relative or friend. Please ring the Antental Clinic on Bury St. Edmunds (01284) 713254 between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday, to book a place.

Care Plan

Please use your Care Plan if you have any special wishes for your labour and delivery. Discuss these with a midwife during your antenatal visits and a record will be made in your notes.



Antenatal care
Maternal blood tests
Preparation for parenthood sessions
Other hospital information
Labour and pain relief
Postnatal care
Going home
Special care baby unit
Comments and concerns
Useful contacts

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: April 2002