Saturday, December 10, 2005
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From: Emma Barber-Lomax
From the middle of September 2003, a web site will be available which is aimed at introducing new medical students to anatomical terminology. The web address is
Posted: 29 August 2003

Printing In the Library
From: Karen Hickman
All students have been allocated 100 free copies. Once those are used up, students will have to pay for any extra printing.
Posted: 19 June 2003

From: Karen Hickman
Personal post can be sent c/o CGC Admin Office, Education Centre, WSH. This should be collected from the Recepiton Desk in the Education Centre.
This will only apply when students are on their Clinical Attachment at West Suffolk.
Posted: 20 October 2003

Fire Alarm - Education Centre
From: Emma Barber-Lomax
Please be advised that there will be a Fire Alarm Test every Tuesday morning at 09.45.
Posted: 10 March 2003

Logging on to Cambridge email
From: Joan Hunter
If you want to collect your Cambridge email, click on Telnet on the library's system the remote host is hermes.cam.ac.uk. Then put in your login password!
Posted: 5 December 2001 (Revised: 5 December 2001)