Clinical Governance Review Schedule
The review will take place in two phases.
The first phase, known as the pre-review, runs from now until 28th June 2002 and lasts 12 weeks. This phase primarily involves data collection by the Trust.
The second phase, known as the review phase, starts 1st July 2002 and lasts for 15 weeks, with a one-week on site visit taking place in the week commencing 19th August 2002.
Detailed below is a summary of the different elements that will form part of the overall review process.
8th April
Start of the pre-review phase
Pre review phase
15th April
Information submission (deadline 1)
District audit release letters
Annual report
Stakeholders contact list
Staff survey data
26th April
Information submission (deadline 2)
Sample PAS data
Management information letters
21st June
Information submission (deadline 3)
Final submission of all information to be received at CHI – part 1, part 2 (PAS information)
Trust clinical governance arrangements questionnaire
1st July
Start of the review phase
3rd July
Initial meeting between CHI and the Trust
Observations in specific departments, eg, out patients, A&E
Review phase
7th August
Briefing day
CHI and the reviewer team brief the Trust on issues identified from the data analysis and interviews with key stakeholders
The Trust gives evidence update
19th August
Review week – week eight
Interviews and observations
With verbal feedback to the Trust at the end of the review week
To be announced
Weeks 9 to 16 of the review process are when CHI produce their draft report, which is then considered by the Trust in terms of accuracy and it is then published, culminating in an action plan being agreed. The overall review process therefore takes a total of 28 weeks.
Review phase cont.
Note: Menu items indicated in 'gray' above can only be accessed through the Trust's intranet system.