Commission for Health Improvement
The message that will be displayed in the applet. The definition of all styles used by the message.

Information Leaflets

You will find leaflets and other information about the CHI review in the Time Out Restaurant (WSH) and on notice boards at Walnuttree and Thetford Cottage hospitals.


The Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) have announced that West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust has been selected to take part in the 2002/2003 cycle of Clinical Governance reviews. The aim of the review is to look at the effectiveness of our clinical governance arrangements and identify both best practice and areas for improvement. (See the panel below for more information about CHI.)

This web site aims to assist staff with their involvement with the CHI review and to provide a central point of information, which is regularly updated. It focuses on current governance arrangements, innovative ways of working, schedules for the review week as well as other useful information (see menu on right).

The Trust's staff may be involved in the the review in one or more of the following ways:

Staff survey

As part of the review process CHI are undertaking a random staff survey of approximately 500 members of staff. The purpose of the questionnaire is to seek your views about your work and about the organisation. (This survey takes place during the period 20 May - 11 June.)


Before and during the review week CHI will undertake a series of scheduled observations. A member of the CHI review team may take this opportunity to ask you questions relating to practice in your area of work. (Observations will take place on July 3rd or during the review week, which starts on 19th August.)


Three clinical teams will be selected and interviewed to establish how effectively clinical governance is embedded in their areas of work. (Interviews will take place during the review week, which starts on 19th August.)

A more detailed timetable can be found on the Review Schedule page.

Part of CHI’s role is to disseminate areas of good practice throughout the NHS. The review is an opportunity for us to bring to CHI’s attention innovative ways of working within the Trust. This may include something you regard as every day practice. 

Instances of good practice are described on the Change Champions page (see main menu - top right). If you wish to make a contribution to this section for your ward/department, please contact me directly.

Jacqui Grimwood
Clinical Governance Review Co-ordinator

For further information about what is involved in a CHI review in the Trust see: A short guide to a CHI clinical governance review in our organisation.



Short Guide to a CHI Review
Review Schedule
CHI Review Report
Action Plan

Review Week

Trust Documentation

Change Champions

CHI Background Documentation
Communicating the Message
How to Contact Us


Note: Menu items indicated in 'gray' above can only be accessed through the Trust's intranet system.


About CHI

The Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) was set up by the government to improve the quality of patient care in the NHS across England and Wales.

CHI will assure, monitor and improve the quality of patient care by undertaking clinical governance reviews. CHI will visit every NHS trust and health authority, which includes primary care groups, local health groups and general practices, in England and Wales on a rolling programme every four years. CHI's findings will be based on evidence and not opinion.

Over time, CHI will develop considerable knowledge, understanding and expertise to help NHS staff and organisations improve their services.


The aims of CHI are explained in more detail on its web site:

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: September 2003 
