Work Life Balance
Work-Life Balance is a term that is useful for everybody who has home and work commitments.
This expression of words is often recognised and understood as an individuals need to separate work and home life. This separation is hard to achieve and it may appear that even today with flexible working opportunities the balancing act is not getting easier. Consequently, issues at work will ultimately affect an individual’s home life and vice versa.
The Trust recognises the need for a work-life balance. The traditional roles of males and females have become less clearly defined. The numbers of people with elder care and other family responsibilities have increased. Therefore, the Trust is committed in supporting employees in achieving this through a wide range of opportunities employees.
The sheer number of things to be done can increase your efficiency and resourcefulness. People who get their work-life balance right speak of a sense of satisfaction, achievement and excitement.
However, without doubt there will be times when the balance goes wrong; additional pressures and demands at home or work could result in the emotional balance breaking down, when tiredness sets in and feelings of achievement are overshadowed by stress.
Staff need to be able to admit to feeling stressed without thinking that there is a stigma attached to it. It is acknowledged that there are inextricable links by both occupational and domestic pressures affecting people’s lives. Within the working environment oorganisational culture is the key to determining success in managing work-related stress.
The West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust core values are integrated into all Trust activity to promote a positive culture. This booklet aims to advertise the support that the Trust can give to help put you back in control of your work-life balance.
Jan Bloomfield
Director of Personnel & Communications