You and Your Baby 

Comments, concerns and complaints

If you have any worries or wish to complain, please first discuss your problem with the midwife in charge. If you are still not happy, or do not wish to involve the ward staff, you may make a formal complaint by contacting the:

Quality Manager
West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust
Hardwick Lane
Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2QZ

Your complaint will be fully investigated, and a reply will be sent to you. We will comply with Patient's Charter Standards and ensure your complaint is dealt with speedily. Leaflets explaining the com· plaints procedure are available on the wards and in the clinic.

See also: Comments, Concerns and Complaints



Antenatal care
Maternal blood tests
Preparation for parenthood sessions
Other hospital information
Labour and pain relief
Postnatal care
Going home
Special care baby unit
Comments and concerns
Useful contacts

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: April 2002