EASTERN DEANERY TRAINING COURSES 2004/2005The following courses are organised by Dr Ellen MacInnes, on behalf of the Eastern Deanery at the Medical Academic Unit, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford Essex. Child Health Promotion (£250.00 for 3 days)Registrars: Three day course for Child Health Promotion Accreditation Wednesday 13 - Friday 15 October 2004 Wednesday 16 - Friday 18 March 2005 Wednesday 19 - Friday 21 October 2005 Family Planning (£310.00 for 3 days)Registrars: Three day Basic Theoretical Course for Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning Wednesday 2 - Friday 5 November 2004 Wednesday 4 - Friday 6 May 2005 Wednesday 2 - Friday 4 November 2005 Minor Surgery (£195.00 for 2 days)Two day theoretical and practical course (NB this is a basic course, NOT suitable for those with surgical degrees) Thursday 23 - Friday 24 September 2004 Thursday 27 - Friday 28 January 2005 Thursday 23 - Friday 24 June 2005 Thursday 22 - Friday 23 September 2005
Details and application forms: email Or leave postal address on 01376 585170