Improving Working Lives 

Improving Working Lives Team
KEEPING IN CONTACT – supporting staff

Returning to work can be a daunting prospect no matter how long a person’s absence has been. Through Improving Working Lives the West Suffolk Hospitals Trust is helping people to find ways round any possible barriers that they may feel.

Keeping in Contact is a support scheme which will help to ease staff back to work after a long break (four months or more). The scheme provides support to those returning to work to help them quickly feel part of the organisation again by making them aware of changes within the Trust and their working area.

The Trust’s Personnel and CommunicationsTeam maintains the register of those who are on Maternity Leave, Parental Leave, Long Term Sick and on a Career Break, when it is known that a member of staff is due to return to work a support pack is sent to them.

This pack contains the latest information about life in the Trust and changes within their work area. A copy of the latest in house magazine and weekly newsletter are included as well as a copy of the current Annual Report and an internal telephone contact list. There are also details of other support available on returning to work as follows:-

  • Personnel

  • Occupational Health

  • Clinical Skills Training Unit

  • Nursing further education

  • Clinical Resource Centre/Library Support

  • Facilities for Returning Mothers

  • Coaching Support

In addition to this pack members of the Personnel Team and Occupational Health are available to give staff direct support on returning to work.

Further details on this scheme are available from Jan Bloomfield, Director of Personnel and Communications, tel 01284 713794.



Childcare Co-ordinator
Childcare Vouchers
Flexible Alternative Working Patterns
IWL Team
IWL Team Sub-groups
NHS Learning Accounts
Keeping in Contact
Key Worker Living
NHS Discounts
PDAS - Personal Development Advice Service
Staff Charter
Staff Helpline
Helpine (advice sheet)
Staff Surveys
Suffolk Childcare Information Service

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: March 2005