Improving Working Lives 

Staff Charter

Our staff have a right to:

Be treated as individuals and have their needs and wishes taken into account in all decisions.

Be engaged in an open and honest approach at the earliest possible stage in order to influence decisions that affect both the organisation as a whole and staff as individuals.

Contribute ideas and voice concerns without fear of victimisation.

Receive appropriate remuneration according to agreed terms and conditions of service

Acknowledge stress without fear of stigma and reprisals.

Have equal opportunity for employment and advancement.


Be represented fairly in negotiation over issues that affect their pay and conditions, and be encouraged to join a recognised trade union or staff association for that purpose.

Work in an environment that is safe, free from violence, abuse and harassment, and conducive to welfare.


Be trained and equipped to do their job effectively.


Have easy access to adequate, clean, efficient facilities for eating and changing.

Be treated with care and consideration for their welfare when unfit for work.

Have their performance appraised objectively, be treated with fairness in discipline or dispute, and have a right of appeal.

Be treated with fairness and dignity when they leave the organisation.


Staff have the following responsibilities to:

Accept that our duty is to care for and provide a service for patients and their relatives

Work to provide the most cost-effective high quality service

Contribute to achieving the mission, and values and objectives of our Trust

Work flexibly and adapt skill and attitudes to meet the Trust's needs as they change and develop.

Treat colleagues with respect, regardless of grade or position within the Trust, respecting different views and opinions

Treat confidential and personal information about colleagues with the same respect given to patients and their relatives



Childcare Co-ordinator
Childcare Vouchers
Flexible Alternative Working Patterns
IWL Team
IWL Team Sub-groups
NHS Learning Accounts
Keeping in Contact
Key Worker Living
NHS Discounts
PDAS - Personal Development Advice Service
Staff Charter
Staff Helpline
Helpine (advice sheet)
Staff Surveys
Suffolk Childcare Information Service

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: May 2001