West Suffolk Hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Service Logo
Patient Advice and Liaison Service 

Support Groups within the Trust

Listed below are the support groups that are run by the West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust.

If you would like further information about any of these groups, please contact

Breast Care Unit

West Suffolk & Thetford Cancer Support Group
Meet Tuesdays at WSH, Fridays at Thetford, 2nd and 4th Wednesday at Sudbury. More information...

Newmarket Breast Care Support Group
Meet 2nd and 4th Thursday at Newmarket.

The Young Ones
Meets last Wednesday in the month at WSH, specifically for under 50's breast patients.

Note: All breast care groups are informal, have speakers, aromotherapists monthly, patients/friends/families attend, majority are breast patients.

Cancer Services

West Anglia Cancer Network's Patient / User Forum
Forum where patients / carers can suggest changes would wish to see made in the future, suggest improvements to current services, involvement in planning of future services.

Coronary Care Unit / Cardiology

Rehabilitation support for MI Patients
Meets weekly, patients are supported through talks, guidance on medication, exercise programs.


Friendship / Support Group
For children with diabetes and their families. Meet monthly for support and chat, demonstrations of equipment and occasional talks by dietician.

Note: Diabetes Nurses are largely employed by the LHP - so other Diabetes Support Groups are run by LHP.

Medicine for the Elderly

Patient Carer Group
For inpatients and carers, meets weekly on Monday afternoons. Mainly educational on a rolling program to accommodate new inpatients. Includes speakers from DRC etc., relevant and useful information, how to cope etc.

Stroke Carer Support Group
Meets once a month on Tuesdays, forum for carers to express fears, worries and concerns, provides information on support networks and local groups.


Follow Up Clinic
Support offered to patients (and families) who have spent more than 4 days in ITU. Patients visited if consequently moved to HDU or wards weekly. Discharged patients contacted at 2, 6 and 12 months. Patients are supported through any problems, information exchanged, patients and staff  keep diaries of their time in ITU so they know what has happened to them, counselling for relatives.

Maternity & Gynaecology

MLSC (Midwifery Services Liaison Committee)
All Hospitals have these groups if they give maternity care. Members include GP, Consultant Obstetrician, Lay members, Head of Midwifery, usually an Operational Manager or similar, Health Visitor, Breastfeeding Midwife representative and usually one or 2 midwives.

Teenage Pregnancy Information Days
Provides a forum for feedback from mothers on how services can be improved.

Note: See also SCBU. Maternity & Gynaecology also have regular meetings with lay groups - National Childcare Trust, Breastfeeding Network, La Leche league etc.


West Suffolk Voluntary Service for the Blind
Available every day, they attend clinics and support patients newly registered blind or partially sighted, provide emotional and logistical support, how to cope etc.


Diabetic Friendship Support Group
Meets monthly, run by diabetic nurses.

Nicky's Way
Meetings at the hospice, for children who are bereaved.

Respiratory Medicine

Breathe Easy
Support group meets 3rd Thursday of every month, for patients with serious respiratory illness (e.g. COPD), currently undergoing restructuring, meetings are outside hospital but are run by a staff member.


Parent Support Group
Meet monthly, began October 2001 with 10 families. BLISS charity provided funding grant, launch expected early 2002. Involves group discussion on bereavement, future pregnancies, experiences on the Unit, fund-raising. Hope to arrange a coffee morning in the near future.



What is PALS?
Patient & Public Involvement
Patient Information Leaflets
Your Guide to the NHS
How can I find more information?
Comments, Complaints & Concerns
Formal Complaints
ICAS - Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
Support Groups
West Suffolk Cancer Support Groups
Why information is collected about you
Accessing your health records
Confidential Information
Information about your discharge
NHS Funded Continuing Health Care
PPI Strategy & Framework
How the service is being used
Case Studies

Contact us by or telephone: 01284 712555

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: December 2004