West Suffolk Hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Service Logo
Patient Advice and Liaison Service 

West Suffolk, Thetford & Sudbury Cancer Support Groups

Offers to people with cancer and their families:

  • Weekly meetings

  • Friendly atmosphere

  • Time to talk

  • A chance to meet others

  • Information

  • Ways to help yourself

  • Healing

  • Relaxation

..and lots more

 West Suffolk Hospital Out-Patient Department

West Suffolk Hospital
Every Tuesday 7.30pm

Pat Davey
111 Raedwald Drive
Bury St Edmunds IP32 7DG
Tel: 01284 702817

Thetford Cancer Support

Kings Court
Earls Street, Thetford
Every Friday Morning, 10.00 - 11.30am

Doreen Sait
Kings Court, Thetford
Tel: 01842 751789

Walnuttree Day Hospital

Dining Room
2nd & 4th Wednesday every month at 7.00pm

Sylvia Wendt
4 Fairgreen
Glemsford, Sudbury C010 7PH
Tel: 01787 280926

How will coming to the group help me?

Coming to the group will give you the opportunity of meeting other people who also have cancer.

You will be able to talk about your anxieties, fears and difficulties with people who understand.

You will be able to have healing which will help you to relax and give you a greater sense of well being.

You will find a library of books and tapes on health, healing and all aspects of cancer.

What can I do to help myself?

You can share your fears and anxieties with others enabling you to develop positive attitudes.

You can learn to relax and learn positive self-healing images to strengthen your body’s ability to fight disease.

You can eat foods that will promote good general health and well-being.

What about my family

Family members are welcome to come to the group meetings where they will meet other people who are experiencing the same kind of problems.

Coming to the group often helps families to be more open with each other about what they are facing.



What is PALS?
Patient & Public Involvement
Patient Information Leaflets
Your Guide to the NHS
How can I find more information?
Comments, Complaints & Concerns
Formal Complaints
ICAS - Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
Support Groups
West Suffolk Cancer Support Groups
Why information is collected about you
Accessing your health records
Confidential Information
Information about your discharge
NHS Funded Continuing Health Care
PPI Strategy & Framework
How the service is being used
Case Studies

Contact us by or telephone: 01284 712555

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified:December 2004