NHS Clinical Governance Support Team
The aim of this new NHS site is to help deliver clinical governance 'on the ground'.
Clinical Governance Research and Development Unit (CGRDU)
Leicester University’s department dedicated to supporting the development of clinical governance nationally – formerly known as the Eli Lilley National Audit Centre.
NHS Executive Clinical Governance Resources
The NHSE primary care division’s clinical governance pages offering a wide range of resources.
The Audit Commission is an independent body responsible for ensuring that public money is used economically, efficiently and effectively.
Replacing CHI - the Healthcare Commission exists to promote improvement in the quality of healthcare in England and Wales.
DOH Clinical Governance website
Here you will find links to some useful publications.
This site forms part of the main NHS Executive site on both the Internet and NHSNet, and is maintained by the Primary Care Division of the NHS Executive. It contains details of the main elements of the Government's NHS modernisation programme for primary and community care services.
CHI - Clinical Governance Reviews
Access to all the reports published by CHI. The West Suffolk Hospital report can be found via the index page.
National Primary Care Research and Development Centre (NPCRDC)
Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
The IHI offers resources and services aimed at making lasting improvements to health care and reducing costs. US based.
i-medicine (incorporating www.medicalaudit.co.uk)
The site is a portal, providing links to high quality sites related to evidence based medicine, medical informatics and audit.
Wisdon Centre - Resource Pack for Clinical Governance
Wisdon Centre - Virtual Conference in Clinical Governance
British Journal of Clinical Governance
Journal of Clinical Governance
Journal of Clinical Excellence (from Radcliffe Medical Press)
St George's Medical School: Appraisal of Guidelines
St George's Medical School: Appraisal Instrument
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)