The Freedom of Information Act 2000
The full text of the FOI Act which gives people the right of access to public information held by public authorities, including central government, local government and health services. The right to full access comes in to effect in January 2005. Includes a section on 'Health Sector Model Publication Schemes'.
The Information Commissioner is responsible for enforcing the Freedom of Information Act and the related Data Protection Act.
NHS Code of Practice on Openness
NHS organisation must specify their publication schemes by October 2003 and people can then start to request information included in the scheme. The Code Openness applies until access to information according to FOI comes in to effect in January 2005.
NHS advice on implementing FOI
NHS website proving information and advice on implementing FOI. Includes tools for model publication schemes and a discussion forum.
The PRO provides useful guidance on records management, an essential aspect of the FOI Act.
Department of Health FOI Publication Scheme
Online version of the DOH publication scheme, plus information about the FOI Act.
Quality Framework for UK Government Web Design (e-envoy)
Provides information on the design and implementation of public sector websites.
Provides guidelines which allow the Public Sector and other interested participants to work together to develop and agree policies and standards for e-government. Includes information relating to the e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) and the e-Government Metadata Framework (e-GMF).
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is an open forum engaged in the development of interoperable online metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models.