National Health Service and Department of Health NHS Gateway (www.nhs.uk) This is the official gateway to National Health Service Organisations on the internet. It provides information about the NHS - what it does, how it works, how to use it. This site also allows you to search for local services, GPs, dentists, opticians etc. More specifically, this website provides a gateway to services in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. NHS Direct is a 24 hour confidential help line staffed by expert nurses (0845 4647). The web site contains information about what to do if you are unwell, a number of self-help guides and an encyclopeadia. You can also contact NHS Direct Wales. NELH - National Electronic Library for Health A digital library for NHS staff, patients and the public. NICE - National Institute for Clinical Excellence Best practice information and guidance, covering individual health technologies and clinical management of conditions. NHS Information Authority (NHSIA) Portal to NHS sites dealing with health informatics. Search for specific vacancies in the NHS. See also NHS Careers. The latest news and information about the DOH and its work. Access to the wide range of publications, policy and guidance that the department produces. Links to specific parts of the DOH web site are listed below. The official government public information service. (replaces Uk Online) Other NHS and national web sites: CHI - now replaced by the Healthcare Commission Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme Family Health Services Appeals Authority Health Development Agency (HDA) Health Promotion England (HPE) Health Technology Assessment (NHS R & D Programme) Medicines Control Agency (MCA) National Primary Care Audit Group Information Management and Technology in the NHS Institute for Health Care Management National Association of Primary Care National Nursing Leadership Project NHS Primary Care Group Alliance NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination NHS R&D Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine NHS R&D Strategy Anglia and Oxford NHS Information Standards Board NHS Workforce Development Confederations Prescription Pricing Authority (PPA) Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS) Public Health Observatory (PHO) Tagish Directory of UK Government Web Sites Your NHS: The Nation's Health Service Department of Health sections: COIN (Circulars on the Internet) POINT (Publications on the Internet) Information and IT for the NHS (Information Policy Unit) NHS Executive Regional Offices Public Health and Clinical Quality Waiting Lists and Waiting Times Data for England Waiting Lists and Waiting Times Data for England