The Facilities Department Logo
West Suffolk Hospital - Home Page

What we do

Jean Le Fleming

Jean Le Fleming
Administration Manager

In my role as 'Administration Manager', I provide administrative and legal support to the Facilities Directorate, as well as providing a Trust-wide role as Protocol and Litigation Manager. Within the directorate, I am involved in:

  • servicing committees and meetings;

  • reviewing legal documentation;

  • monitoring payment of specific contracts;

  • acting as lead in certain controls assurance and risk management programmes;

  • overseeing car park management arrangements;

  • collating and monitoring of the Directorate's and Trust's policies and procedures.

Julie Pettitt

Julie Pettitt
Business Manager

The title 'Business Manager' doesn't really give you a clear idea of the areas covered by my role. To enable a better understanding, listed below are some of the broad areas of responsibility which I carry out on a day-to-day basis:

  • management of facilities reception;

  • Trust Capital programme and forecasting;

  • production of Facilities Key Performance Indicators (KPI);

  • tendering, monitoring and stage payments of all major and minor building/engineering projects;

  • setting up and monitoring of maintenance contracts;

  • setting up and managing of photocopier contracts;

  • furniture replacement;

  • purchasing and maintaining of Trust owned vehicles;

  • vehicle rentals;

  • approved list of contractors.

Administration - Contacts

Jean Le Fleming

Administration Manager, ext 3829

Julie Pettitt

Business Manager, ext 3726

Opening times

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Administrative functions

Administrative functions are carried out by

1 X receptionist

1 X Contracts Assistant

1 X Administration Assistant

1 X Secretariat/Clerical assistant

Their general duties involve:

  • secretarial and clerical support to all Estates Officers and Facilities Managers

  • managing of the Facilities meeting room

  • issuing of all contractors and visitors passes

  • monitoring of all maintenance contracts

  • managing of vehicle rental contracts

  • processing of all invoices

ID Badges

ID badge enquires - contact:

Mick Croker

ext 3646
(am only)

When you start working at the hospital you are required to have an ID badge.

To request an ID badge, please use the Request for Identity Badge and Keys form. Print off this form and fill it in, and then return it to Mick Croker in Facilities.  After a few days, you will need to make an appointment with Mick to have your photograph taken.

(Where do I go to get an ID badge? - Please see the map on the Car Parking page.)

The Facilities Meeting Room:

The Facilities Directorate has a meeting room which is available for meetings and small functions.  If you are interested in using it, please print off the booking form, fill it in, and hand it in or post it to the Facilities Reception.

Administration Structure


Administration - Departmental Structure




West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: January 2005 

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