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Brighter Living

The Brighter Living Committee is a sub group of the Improving Working Lives Team and was set up to improve the overall site appearance for staff and patients alike.  It is chaired by John Cullum (Non-executive Director), is made up of staff, managers, a patient rep and a member of the public, and meets about four times a year.  Each year they are given a budget (about £20,000) to brighten up the patient and working environment.  Directed by suggestions from staff, they purchase items such as plants, pictures, art work, water coolers, etc.  Last year money was spent on paintings around the hospital, water coolers, the endoscopy rest room, Sudbury courtyard, plant pots and chairs for G1.  At present the Committee is in the process of trying to obtain external funding, e.g. lottery funding or charitable funds, to employ an Arts and Environment co-ordinator.

The Brighter Living Committee - Terms of Reference


To improve the environment of West Suffolk Hospitals Trust sites and premises for the benefit of staff and patients.


To contribute to the Trusts Improving Working Lives Strategy and to implement relevant aspects of the IWL Action Plan.

To obtain Staff and Patients views on how the environment of WSHT sites and premises can be improved.

To enable the views of Staff and Patient to be effectively conveyed to the Director of Facilities.

To be consulted on and to advise on environmental issues related to new buildings and other site developments.

Where Trust funds are made available for Brighter Living purposes to establish allocation criteria, to receive bids from Departments and to distribute those funds to where the maximum benefits to staff and patients will be achieved.


Trust IWL Non Executive Lead (Chair)

Trust IWL Executive Lead, Director of Personnel

Director of Facilities

Patient Representatives

Staff Side Representatives


The Committee is a Sub Group of the Improving Working Lives Team and reports to them quarterly.


The Committee meets Quarterly.


Capital Projects - contents:
Introduction  -  Site Developments  -  Ward Developments
Clinical Developments  -  Brighter Living




West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: February 2003 

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