INTRODUCTIONFlexi-time allows staff to vary their actual working hours outside specified core times each day. This usually means that staff can vary their start and finish times to suit domestic responsibilities, travel arrangements and other work related reasons. Flexi-time has largely been restricted to administrative and clerical staff within the NHS in the past. There are variations on other flexible working patterns which include: Staggered HoursWhere staff within a team work slightly different start, finish and break times Time off in –lieuStaff agree informally with managers to take time off at a mutually convenient date to make up for extra hours worked Shift SwappingStaff agree shift changes among themselves and with approval from managers BENEFITS OF FLEXI-TIME TO THE TRUST· Can ease disciplinary issues regarding lateness · Reduces absenteeism among staff who would rather take a day off than report late · Enables extension of working hours BENEFITS OF FLEXI-TIME FOR THE MEMBER OF STAFF· Ability to fit domestic commitments around the start or finish of working day · Ability to miss the worst of traffic · Ability to log extra hours worked and take time back later LOCAL POLICY AND PROCEDURE· Agree a local policy and procedure with the support from the Personnel Department and involvement of staff concerned Reference:Dept. of Health. Working Lives: Programmes for Change. Flexitime