Improving Working Lives 



The aim is to promote a culture where members of staff co-operate with each other to balance their work and personal commitments and develop a rota system which provides for both.

By introducing self-rostering, which is a bottom-up approach to scheduling work, staff have a greater feeling of control over the pattern of their working lives.

Success in introducing self-rostering depends on consultation, open communication and the involvement of all team.

Ideally the department/ward should be up to full establishment to enable self-rostering to be effective.


For members of staff:

·         More control over planning own working lives

·         Link start and finish time with other commitments

·         Attending appointments without losing a whole shift

For the Trust:

·         Better motivated staff ensuring better quality of care

Getting Started

·         Discuss with staff and gain support to implement scheme

·         Discuss whether there will be any effect on the delivery of patient care

·         Will it help retain existing staff and recruit new staff

·         Will it reduce absences and the need for bank and agency staff

·         Ensure everyone has a say and understands the benefits to themselves and the patients

·         How will handovers be managed when there are not clear shift changes

·         Be sensible and be fair

·         Agree a local policy and procedure and ensure advice obtained from Personnel

Set Parameters

·         Agree minimum and maximum staff levels for each shift

·         Agree skill and grade

·         Limit number of specific requests (for special occasions)

·         Aim for alternate weekends

·         Ensure E grade or above on every shift (nursing staff)

·         Any clashes or shortfalls should in the first instance be addressed by the team members

·         Identify co-ordinator to over- see implementation

Leading the Way

There are some wards and departments who have already implemented self-rostering or are trialling it. For more information and advice on how to get started contact:

Ward G2

Coronary Care Unit

Day Surgery Unit


Department of Health. Working Lives: Programmes for Change, Team-based self-rostering

Department of Health. Working Lives: Programmes for Change, Good Practice




Childcare Co-ordinator
Childcare Vouchers
Flexible Alternative Working Patterns
IWL Team
IWL Team Sub-groups
NHS Learning Accounts
Keeping in Contact
Key Worker Living
NHS Discounts
PDAS - Personal Development Advice Service
Staff Charter
Staff Helpline
Helpine (advice sheet)
Staff Surveys
Suffolk Childcare Information Service

WESTFLEX: Contents


Guidelines for Self-Rostering

Annualised Hours

Guidelines for Reduced Hours

Guidelines for Flexitime

Policy for Home Working PP(01)095

Term Time Policy Working: PP(99)091

Career/Service Break Policy: PP(99)092

Job Sharing Policy: (revised) PP(99)047

West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: November 2001