1. INTRODUCTION1.1 The aim of this policy is to promote equal opportunities through enabling men and women to return to or continue their careers after having a break from work at the same time as maintaining their home environment. Job sharing also provides opportunity for those for whom only part-time work is possible. 1.2 It is the Trust’s policy that all employee groups and all posts will be considered eligible for job sharing unless the manager can supply reasons why this would not be appropriate. 1.3 Additional provisions are available to medical staff to work part-time in recognised training posts. 1.4 Job sharing is only one of the options open to employees who wish to work less than their standard hours. 1.5 Job sharing is also intended to create greater flexibility in employment, which will be an essential aid to recruitment due to the changing nature of the labour market. 2. ESTABLISHING A JOB SHARE2.1 The hours of a post can be split to meet the needs of job share partners, but should not be to the detriment of the service. 2.2 Every establishment post shall be considered for job sharing unless the manager can show that job sharing of a specific post would not be feasible. If a job share is not possible and the individual feels dissatisfied with this outcome they may pursue their grievance through the Trust’s Grievance procedure, see paragraph 13. 2.3 A proposal to introduce job sharing into a post can arise in a number of ways, for example: [i] An existing employee formally applying to management for a job share arrangement to be agreed in respect of their job; [ii] A joint application being made by existing employees, full-time or part-time, to job share where their individual jobs and/or mutual skills and experience are suitable for the proposed job share and such proposal is within agreed establishment; [iii] External application from potential partners outside the Trust in response to advertisements. It should be noted, however, that the final decision as to whether or not a job share is appropriate lies with the manager. 3. PROCEDURE3.1 Conversion of existing posts - existing staff may be appointed into job share posts where: [i] The vacancy has arisen on the initiative of an existing employee and there is a linked application for the post held by the existing employee; [ii] Joint application is made from existing employees, for either of the posts held by them. 3.2 New job share post: [i] The post will be advertised internally and externally as a vacancy suitable for job sharing. Candidates who wish to job share will be required to state whether they are making a joint application (i.e. they have a specific job share partner with whom they wish to work) or whether they would be prepared to work with any partner; [ii] All shortlisted candidates who wish to job share will receive details of any specific requirements for working arrangements and of the Job Sharing Policy; [iii] All candidates who wish to job share will be interviewed individually; [iv] In selecting job sharing partners, account should be taken of the mix of their experience/skills and compared against the job specification; [v] Prospective job sharers will be given the opportunity to meet prior to a formal offer of employment being made or accepted; [vi] If only one partner is suitable for the job share post, the manager will need to consider whether to fill the post on a partial basis and re-advertise or offer subject to appointment of a satisfactory partner after re-advertising. 3.3 Half job share post: [i] If an existing job sharing employee loses a partner, they will be given the option of working the total hours for the post; [ii] If an existing full-time employee applies for their post to be converted to job sharing, or an existing job sharing employee loses a partner, then the post will be advertised internally and externally as a post for a job share; [iii] All shortlisted candidates will receive details of specific requirements for working arrangements and of this procedure; [iv] Shortlisted candidates will be given the opportunity to meet the existing postholder informally in advance of formal interview. 3.4 If no suitable job share partner is found, then the post should be re-advertised. If no suitable partner is found within a reasonable period, the following procedure will apply: [i] If the post had not previously been a job share, then the existing employee should be informed that there is no possibility of job share and the original contract will continue; where appropriate redeployment be considered but it shall not be seen as given. [ii] If the post had previously been a job share, then the Trust will look for redeployment for the remaining employee, together with other alternatives which ultimately may include redundancy. 4. STATEMENT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS4.1 Each partner of a job share will hold an individual statement of terms and conditions of employment. The postholder’s job title will be that given to the established post with the endorsement - (Job Share). 4.2 The job description issued will be that prepared for the establishment post with an addendum that requires agreement between the job share partners for overlap/continuity and/or split tasks. 4.3 The hours worked will be individually stated for each partner to the job share. Total hours should not exceed the established post. Where overlap time is required, the manager should ensure this is taken into account when agreeing the working hours for the post. 4.4 Where a system of flexible working hours is in operation, the application of this system to the job share arrangement shall be discussed by the manager and partners prior to commencement. 4.5 Job sharers will be individually responsible to the relevant section or department head for the duties they undertake and their attendance. 4.6 Job sharers will also be responsible for ensuring good communications with each other to provide the best possible continuity. 5. RATE OF PAY5.1 Pro rata to the salary grade for the number of hours worked. Commencing salary will be determined in accordance with existing policies, which allow for recognition of previous experience. 5.2 Incremental progression will be on an individual basis within the grade for the post. 5.3 Where applicable, unsocial hours, shift payments, allowances, etc., payable under certain Terms and Conditions of Service will be calculated as though the post was occupied on a full-time basis. Allowances will be paid pro rata to the actual contracted hours. Unsocial hours and shift payments will be paid based on actual hours worked. 5.4 Job sharers who are required to work in excess of contractual hours shall be paid at the basic hourly rate for the additional hours or qualify for time off in lieu. 5.5 Where a post requires the job sharers to use a car, the manager will agree the arrangements for appropriate reimbursement of mileage 5.6 Where a post attracts performance pay, there will be individual assessment of performance against objectives which have been jointly agreed for the post. 6. NHS PENSION SCHEME6.1 Job sharers have the option to join the NHS Pension Scheme. 6.2 If an existing full-time employee is moving to a job share, then full details of the effect on their pension should be provided by the Pensions Department. 7. LEAVE7.1 Annual leave entitlement, as applicable to the grade of the post, pro rata to the number of hours worked. 7.2 Public and extra statutory holidays are to be divided between sharers pro rata to the number of hours worked. Where the working arrangements result in a disproportionate share, administrative adjustment will be made to provide a fair split in consultation with the prospective postholders. 7.3 Paid sick leave - the appropriate Terms and Conditions of Service will apply on an individual basis. 7.4 Maternity leave entitlement as stated in the individual’s Terms and Conditions of Service. Payments to be applied on a pro rata basis. 8. ALLOWANCES8.1 Any allowances paid to the post should be divided between the partners pro rata to the number of hours worked. 8.2 Car User Allowance (a) Standard user - mileage allowance will be paid on an individual basis as detailed in the employee’s Terms and Conditions of Service. (b) Regular user - the lump sum will be payable to the post and divided between the partners proportionate to their contractual hours. The additional mileage allowance will be payable individually proportionate to the number of miles travelled. 9. COVER ARRANGEMENTSPending the appointment of a job share partner or during long-term absence due to sickness or maternity leave, the following temporary cover arrangements should be considered: [i] The remaining partner may agree to work additional hours up to the total established post. Benefits would accrue to the value of the full-time post. There is no obligation to cover an absence. [ii] A temporary job share partner may be appointed to cover the balance of the hours. 10. CHANGE OVER/OVERLAP ARRANGEMENTSWhere continuity is determined in the job description addendum as an essential requirement of the job share, such arrangements should be achieved within the normal established total hours, reducing the timespan of attendance. 11. TRAININGJob sharing partners should be given access to training opportunities and study leave on the same basis as full-time employees. 12. PROMOTIONEach job sharer or both job sharing partners may apply for promotion on equal terms with full-time employees. 13. GRIEVANCESAny grievances relating to the interpretation and application of these arrangements/conditions should be raised through the Trust’s Grievance Procedure. 14. TERMINATION OF JOB SHARE14.1 If one partner in an existing job share wishes to terminate the job share, the procedure in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 will apply. 14.2 In the event of an alteration in the operational requirements, the job sharers would be redeployed where possible. 15. REVIEW AND MONITORINGThis policy will be monitored and reviewed annually by the Director of Personnel & Corporate Resources, West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust in conjunction with Trust Council. ANGLIAN DEANERYGUIDELINES FOR FLEXIBLE TRAINING: JOB SHARING1. All new and existing flexible trainees should be considered for job-sharing when a vacancy falls open in a Training Programme. Programme Directors should present evidence to the Postgraduate Dean that job-sharing by existing flexible trainees is not possible before that vacancy is advertised. 2. Under job-sharing arrangements, flexible trainees will normally be allowed to work 24 standard hours instead of the current 20 hours. (The Dean and the Trust each pays half of the 40 standard hours of full-time trainees). The Trust will continue to pay 20 standard hours towards the pair of job sharers and the Dean will pay the extra 4 hours for each of them. The extra hours will also enable the trainees to complete training more quickly. 3. On-call arrangements for the pair will be similar as for a full-time trainee. 4. When one of the job sharers discontinues for whatever reason, the remaining trainee will revert to “supernumerary” status unless another trainee is available to share. Otherwise the Dean will fund 50% of another full-time post if a NTN is available. 5. Arrangements for cover of absences will be left to individual training programmes and departments and should be discussed and agreed with the trainees to the satisfaction of all parties.