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Car parking

Where to find us...

If staff wish to use the parking facilities at the hospital they need either a Smartcard (for the Pay & Display machines) or a parking permit.

With a Smartcard (which can be charged up to a maximum of £5), the daily cost is currently 50p per day. Alternatively, a parking permit can be purchased, the cost of which is deducted from salary. The cost is calculated taking account of annual leave entitlements and actual days worked.

Smartcards and parking permits are issued from the car park/ID office based in Facilities.

Parking tickets or permits should be displayed clearly in the vehicle, for ease of checking by the car park attendants who police the site daily.

How to use your Smartcard

  1. Insert the card with the gold chip facing upwards and the blue arrow pointing towards the machine.
  2. Be patient - the machines can be slow at times. If your card does get stuck in the machine, twist the red dial and it will be released.
  3. When the machine has acknowledged your card you will be able to see on the display how much credit you have left.
  4. If you need to put more credit onto the card simply put the some money into the coin slot. Please note, CREDIT CANNOT BE ADDED TO A CARD IF IT HAS ALREADY BEEN USED TO OBTAIN A TICKET.
  5. If you have enough credit, press the blue and the green button in quick succession, and a ticket will be issued allowing you to park all day.
  6. Take your ticket and remember to remove your card - if you lose it you will need to pay £3.00 for a replacement!
Patients and visitors

The cost of parking for patients and visitors is based on a time band tariff system with a minimum charge of £2.20 for two hours.

Frequent visitors to the site can purchase weekly (£8) or monthly (£35) permits from the Facilities Department.

All Wards and Departments are asked to note that concessionary permits are available for patients and visitors who may have to attend the hospital frequently or have prolonged visits.

 Weekly and monthly permits can be obtained from:

Car Park Office in Facilities (at the rear of the hospital)
8.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon, Monday to Friday

 and  with effect from 5 December 2005:

also from the Main Reception desk (at the front of the hospital)
8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m., Monday to Friday

Wards and departments also have the ability to issue ad hoc permits in exceptional circumstances.

Car parking enquiries should be made to Mr MICHAEL CROKER ext.3646 or MRS JEAN LE FLEMING ext.3829

For more comprehensive information on the Trust’s car park management see Trust policy PP(04)016.

For information about improvements to the car parking facilities on site, please see the Site Developments page in the Capital Project section.




West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: November 2005 

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