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Key Performance Indicators

illustrationKey Performance indicators (KPI’s) are core measures that gauge the performance of an organisation in a particular area.  They tell us how the organisation has performed in the past and how it is performing now.

Trusts are measured and valued by more than just financial performance. KPI's can play a part in that measurement and valuation, by showing the pattern of activity and expenditure over time. KPI's can also be used to help predict future performance, both financial and non- financial.

The Facilities Directorate monitors 25 KPI’s each month.  These are reviewed and amended, with additional indicators being added all the time.  We use them to assist us in making decisions within the Directorate. 

Watch out for the KPI’s in future news letters so you can keep track of how things are going under key targets.

Key performance Indicators for the current and previous years:

KPIs are collected and updated on a monthly basis and totalled for each year (April to March). The current KPI will be updated on a monthly basis as the information becomes available.

Please note that the above documents are Excel spreadsheets that can be viewed in your browser window. The tabs along the bottom of the window allows you to examine different KPIs.



West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: August2004

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