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Ward Developments

 Temporary Ward

Alongside the projects to add to the hospital’s overall bed capacity, a temporary ward is to be provided near the entrance to the Joyce Cockram Day Hospital. This will cater for the additional operating procedures being planned once the ophthalmic surgical procedures move from the main theatres to the day surgery unit.  Work on the 30-bed temporary ward was due to begin at the end of January and should be completed by April this year. The size of this unit required its location near the Joyce Cockram Day Hospital, which is also convenient for connection to all utilities, as well as providing ease of access for portering, meals, linen, cleaning and proximity to the hospital’s main circulation corridors.

Start date: January 2003

Finish date: April 2003

Contractor: PKL

Project Value: £998,000

Point of contact: Steve Moore on ext 3973 or Terry Robertson on ext 3651


 Patient Power

This will provide TV and telephone to every bed head by the end of 2003.  Current refurbishment areas are wired and ready for installation.  All cost will be born by the Trust’s chosen supplier ‘Wandsworth’, who in turn recoup expenditure through rentals and call costs.

Further information about the Patient Power system can be found in the Modernisation section.

Start date: July 2003

Finish date: December 2003

Contractor: Wandsworth

Project Value: Nil to the Trust, costs incurred by the contractor

Point of contact: Jacqui Grimwood on ext 2740


Capital Projects - contents:
Introduction  -  Site Developments  -  Ward Developments
Clinical Developments  -  Brighter Living




West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: June 2003 

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