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Security at the West Suffolk

James Pretty
Security Manager

The importance of security for all staff, patients and visitors is a top priority for the Trust.

(For more information see the Trust's Security Awareness Policy: PP(03)050 which aims to reduce crime and endeavour to maintain a safe working environment.)

Security enquires - contact:

James Pretty
(Security Manager and Local Security Management Specialist)

ext 3522, bleep 320

There are a number of security measures in place as listed below:

Hospital Watch Scheme

Its aim is to reduce both crime and the fear of crime at the hospital and provide a safe environment for staff, patients and visitors.

(More information can be found in the Hospital Watch Leaflet)

Hospital Watch Committee

This meets every two months to monitor and guide the progress of the Hospital Watch initiative; its membership includes management, staff representatives and the local police.

Beat Bobby

There is a police officer that visits the site regularly and is in-touch with the hospital’s security issues.

Police Room

Providing 24 hour call in facility for all police officers and raises the police presence profile this deterring security breach incidents.

Security Advisor

Advises the Trust on security issues, undertakes risk assessments, and educates staff on security matters (through the induction programme and at ward and departmental levels).

Security Cameras

These are mounted across the hospital site and are recording 24-hours a day.

Specialist Training

Porters are currently undergoing training in security issues.

Training for vulnerable groups of staff

The Trust provides specialist training for more vulnerable groups of staff to counteract violence and aggression.

Clear Identification of Staff

The Trust issues identification (ID) cards to all staff; the cards also give staff access to sensitive areas of the hospital.

Please remember to wear your identification badge at all times when on the hospital site. Not only is it important with regard to security, but without it you are not eligible for staff discounts in Time Out.

Estates Department - contents:

Introduction  -  EBME  -  Security  -  Fire Safety Policy




West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust

Last Modified: November 2005 

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